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When ‘i’ is replaced
by ‘we’ even ‘illness’
turns into ‘wellness’


Reclaim your Health with More Energy,

Deeper Sleep and a Better Sense of Wellbeing.

If you have arrived here, you are probably looking for a solution to a current challenge, and in need of a little support in moving forward.

Jonathan Tarr and Siwan Quinn Bratton have been practicing and teaching acupuncture, shiatsu and other ancient healing practices for over 35 years. We do not work in a linear fashion, we work in a vertical dimension, creating transformation on the inside as you move towards your goals for lasting change, health and wellness.

Private consultations by appointment only in Barons Court/West Kensington.

Individual Treatments £80

Course of 6 treatments (booked and paid in advance saving £30) £450

Call for an appointment

0345 0949186

Concessions: Community Acupuncture - Thursdays 10am-1pm

High quality, affordable acupuncture treatments are offered on a donation basis in a group setting at the ECDC Community Hub, West Kensington

Call to Book your Place:

07521 760578

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Acupuncture is one of the oldest, simplest, and safest forms of health care in the world. Acupuncture stimulates the body's self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms treating a very wide range of problems, without causing any major negative side effects.

Acupuncture treatment to release stress and boost energy level
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Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a natural, anti-ageing, skin revitalising treatment. Our face mirrors our internal health. Cosmetic acupuncture is a fully integrated Oriental medicine, health and beauty regime, so you not only Look Great, but also Feel Great! Health and Beauty is an inside job.


Enjoy this relaxing, rejuvenating treatment as part of your self-care routine.

Shiatsu balances the internal energy flow, tonifies the inner organs, opens up the joints and gently stretches the muscles promoting increased flexibility and an overall sense of release and relaxation. Symptoms such as stiffness, headaches, sluggishness and backaches often disappear, while clarity of mind and focus tend to improve.

Shiatsu massage London
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